2037 : Demographics


For Hamilton County Population Drops Below 3000

Hamilton County Population Drops Below 3000

As predicted in a 2012 Cornell University Study on Applied Demographics, the population of Hamilton County has continued to decline and now is below 3000 permanent residents with fewer than 100 in the 25-29 year old range. All the predicted problems attend this drop: school enrollment declines and lack of EMT volunteers, etc.

Influenced Scenarios



2018 Census Shows Continuing Declines

Population declines across all of northern New York continue.

Read the news story here.

2017 Census Shows Continuing Population Losses

The estimates show a 7.3% decline in Hamilton Cty since 2010.  

Read the story about it here.

Clifton-Fine Population Down 40% from Peak

The area used to have a large iron mine and a paper mill.  Both are now closed.

Read the new article here.

Another Report Shows Projected Population Declines

The report has good historic data and forecasts a population decline of 12% or so by 2030 if we don't do anything.  Of course, there a lots of efforts to counter this trend.

Read the report here.

Kansas Program Pays People to Move to Rural Areas

The state run program offers incentives to lure people back to the plains.

Read the news story here.

ADK Demographics Mirror Rural National Trends

This analysis compares other rural areas to the ADK Park

Read the news article here.

Hamilton and Essex lose population 2010-12

US Census data for 2010-2012 shows a drop of 1.2% in Hamilton County and a 1% drop in Essex. 

You can go to this site and select the county to get the current facts. There is lots of data here.

For Hamilton County Population Drops Below 3000


Greater Diversity Appearing in Schools


Non-White Population in Essex County Hits 10%
