2022 : Agriculture


For Food Desert Label Lifted from Park Towns

Food Desert Label Lifted from Park Towns

New food distribution networks and an overall increase in visitor amenities in Park towns have significantly improved the availability of fresh food in core Adirondack towns.

Influenced Scenarios



Mobile Food Market Now has 29 Stops

Now a few years old, the mobile market brings fresh food to 29 different stops around the region.

Read the news story here.

AHI to Lead Adk Food System Network

The new effort has roots in COVID food emergency programs.  It is a partnership of all the needed people to look at the food system of the whole region and have it work better for all involved.  Seed funding is from the ADK Foundation and AHI will be it's lead org.

Read about the new effort here.
Read about the Adk Health Institute here.

Food Stores Continue Closing

The market in Port Henry will become a Stewart's Store.  Perry's Market in Norwood has closed...and so on.  This article is a about ADK Action's effort to counter the trend.

Read the story here.

Valley Gro Reopens in Keene Valley

About a year after a fire destroyed the stores, a new stores has been opened by the same family on the same site.

Read the news story here.

$250k Food Access Grant Comes to Keeseville

ADK Action, the group behind Pharmacy, has won a $250k grant to bring local food into food pantries and repeat the success of the Pharmacy (a local food shop inside a pharmacy) in other locations.

Read about the grant in the news story here.

Food Justice Summit Held at The Wild Center

Over 150 people from 25 organizations attended the summit to address topics including farmer wages, food prices, food supplies to schools and prisons, etc.  It was the first regional discussion of these issues.  

Read about the summit meeting here.

New Food Store Opens in Keeseville

The town has been without a store for year.  The opening of Farmacy is an effort led by ADK Action and local farmers.

Read the news story here.

New Price Chopper coming to Warrensburg

Just north of Lake George, the new store is now open

Beverage Distribution Co in St Armand Expanding by 50%

The expansion allows the distributor to expand the product lines they sell in the region.

Read the news item about the APA approval of the project here.

Web Portal for the local food crowd

Users are turning the Adirondack Food Network into a working portal.

New food distribution via buying groups in the Park

Wholeshare and ADKeats are now serving buyer groups across the Park

New CSA Farm in Warren County

Yet another new CSA farm. These are opening with some frequency now.  Mace Chasm in Keeseville opened this season as well. Another new farm is being developed in Upper Jay.

Read the news story here.

USDSA Certified mobile chicken processing unit operational

Institutional buyers like Clarkson require USDA certification of suppliers. It was funded by a NCREDC grant. 

Read the news story about the opening event here

APA offers study to attract food vendors to Indian Lake

The APA staff conducted the study.  It was intended to be useful to attract someone to put stores in places like Indian Lake.

Read the news story about the project here.

For Food Desert Label Lifted from Park Towns


CSA Subscriptions Have Tripled in 10 Years


Land Trusts Start Young Farmer Programs in Region
