2017 : Recreation


For Many Government Owned Recreational Assets are Privatized

Many Government Owned Recreational Assets are Privatized

As government payrolls shrink, many recreational assets like NY State Campgrounds, Town and Village owned golf courses, and even some former Olympic facilities are either sold or leased to private operators. The jobs don't disappear, but they move from public to private payrolls.

Influenced Scenarios



ORDA looking into zip lines on Whiteface for summer revenue

Zips lines are gaining in popularity and ORDA needs all the summer revenue it can find. 

Read the news story about this here

There already is a successful zip line in Bolton Landing.  Read about it here

For Many Government Owned Recreational Assets are Privatized


DEC Implements Reservation Systems for High Use Areas in Peak Seasons


New Style Guide and Outfitter Businesses Do Well
