2017 : Community


For More than 1000 Affordable Housing Units Added in Hamlets

More than 1000 Affordable Housing Units Added in Hamlets

A major push by the State as part of the Regional Economic Council Process, as well as the efforts by the Adirondack Community Housing Trust, have resulted in the addition of more than a thousand affordable housing units to hamlets throughout the Park. Many units are refurbished sub-standard housing, others are rental units.

Influenced Scenarios



Only 55% of Homes Locally Occupied

The 2020 census data shows a Park population decline decline from about 130,000 in 2010 to about 123,000 in 2020.  The exception is Hamilton County which increased about 5% due to retirees moving there.

Park-Wide, 55% of homes are locally occupied. Occupancy ranges across all Park towns is lowest at 21% and highest at 77%.  In Hamilton County it is only 32%

Population density is the lowest in the East, comparable to West Texas.

Read the news story here.
Excellent maps with this data are here.

OWD Project in Tupper Wins $2.5m NYS Grant

The Oval Wood Dish building will be converted to a multi-use project for businesses and market rate housing of several types

Read the news story here.

New Housing Project in Old Forge

A new affordable housing project is coming to Old Forge.  The 8 acres of town land will have 35-40 units.

Read the article here

APA Apprives Large Housing Project in SLK

The Saranac Lake project will include about 70 units and an office.

New Apartments for LP Approved

Peaks at Lake Placid apartment project at the old Alton Cell Science Center approved.  There will be 355 units.  90 will be condos, the rest rentals.  37 will we designated 'affordable'.  The project is described as mid-level workforce housing.

Read about the approval here.

Lake Placid Hamlet Expands by 32 Acres

The area will be used for housing for the World University Games and, later, for affordable housing in LP.

Read the news story here

Number of Zombie Homes in Tupper Drops from 30 to 5

The Abandoned Property Neighborhood Act of 2016 has had an impact on Park housing.  The number of zombie homes in Tupper Lake has dropped from 30 to 5.  This is a complex topic and the referenced article is excellent.

Read the new article here.

64 Unit Eco-Friendly Affordable Apartment Complex in Plattsburgh

The Homesteads at Ampersand is a newly built eco-friendly, affordable apartment complex in Plattsburgh. As part of the new building, the sidewalk was extended on the street and a public transportation stop was created with help from the City of Plattsburgh and their Complete Streets mission. 

Read the news story here

Essex and Clinton Cty Win $2m for Affordable and Low Income Housing

The $2m is spread across a number of towns and different programs.  The amount grows to $5.5m across the North Country.

Read a news story here and a second one here.

ACHT Affordable Housing Project in Keene Seeking 2 Buyers Now

The Adirondack Community Housing Trust has been working on a new, 6 home, project in Keene for a while.  They are now seeking buyers for the first two homes.

Check out their website here.

USDA Funds Available for Low/Moderate Income Housing

In Eastern NY, funds are available via 2 programs to buy or repair single family homes. The program is for low and moderate income households.

Read the news story here.
The program contact is Doreen Rabine, at 518-692-9940 ext. 4.

Affordable Senior Housing Project in Ticonderoga Opens

The 31 unit, $7 million projects opens in October 2013.  Here is the press release:

Read about the Ticonderoga project here.

The NCREDC awards included some 300 home

The projects were a mix of affordable housing, senior housing and rental units. 

Read about the grant here.

For More than 1000 Affordable Housing Units Added in Hamlets


More Citizen-Sponsored Initiatives in the Park


Most Park Towns have Community Development Organizations
