2022 : Government
Sunmount Shrinks by Half and Five Prisons Close
The State is in a major retreat from the region. Sunmount, in Tupper Lake, was cut by half. Five prisons have been closed as the State prison population shrinks and crime rates continue their decline. The move favors housing prisoners closer to their home communities where they have a support network when released instead of in remote upstate locations.
Influenced Scenarios
Moriah Shock Prison Closed
Ray Brook State Prison Repurposed
Sunmount Resident Population to be Cut by 1/3
Two More Area Prisons to Close by July 2014
Chateaugay and Mt McGregor will close affecting some 111 jobs as of July 26. The NYS prison population peaked in 1999 at 71,600 and is now 54,200. Prisoners on drug charges have declined from 24,000 in 1996 to 6,700 now. Two other regional prisons have closed already.
An update on the closures as of Feb 2014 is here.
NCPR Prison Time Journalism Project
Read about the project here.
Ray Brook Federal prison layoffs in progress
The Federal budget sequester has resulted in unexpected layoffs in Ray Brook. It is the only Federal prison in the Park.
For Sunmount Shrinks by Half and Five Prisons Close
For Sunmount Shrinks by Half and Five Prisons Close