2022 : Regulation


For Key Parties Agree on Framework for SLMP Update

Key Parties Agree on Framework for SLMP Update

An agreement has been reached among the Governor's Office, the Environmental NGOs, DEC and APA and others on the process and scope of an update to the SLMP (State Land Master Plan). There is a clear statement of what is open to change and what isn’t as well as how the process will proceed and the new version eventually approved. With decades of experience with the old SLMP, it has been possible to propose a set of changes that make everyone happy with the result going forward. The updates include the results of DEC's new approach to land planning that looks at the Park in five large complexes.

Influenced Scenarios



APA Approves SLMP Changes

The changes allow biking on logging roads in two areas, a steel bridge, changes in terminology about the railroad corridor, and multi use trails for snowmobiles, bike and horses connecting the 5 towns involved the the Finch purchase.

APA to Conduct SLMP Review

The APA will conduct a formal review of the SLMP seeking revisions small and large.

Read the APA press release here.

For Key Parties Agree on Framework for SLMP Update


DEC Adopts 'Complex' Planning


One-Stop Permitting Process Operational
