2022 : Transportation


For Amtrak Upgrades Albany to Montreal Line

Amtrak Upgrades Albany to Montreal Line

The rail corridor from Albany to Montreal has been upgraded. The old track has been rebuilt and a second track added, greatly improving the travel time north from Albany and eliminating delays due to freight trains.

Influenced Scenarios



Amtrak and Fort Ticonderoga Offer Tourist Bundle

Amtrak and the Fort have teamed up with local service providers to offer complete tour packages from Amtrak.

Read the news story here.

New Canadian Border Customs Agreement Announced

Years of work has come to an agreement to (1)pre-screen train and bus passengers to end waits at the border and (2)keep smaller border stations open by combining facilities.

Read the news story here.

100 Car Oil Trains, 25-44 Weekly, Track Being Rebuilt

Currently there are 20-35 CSX trains each week and 5-9 Canadian Pacific trains weekly. This is causing the track owner to upgrade the route to continues welded rails.

Read the news about safety issues here.  Read about train numbers here.  A NYTimes piece here covers lots of the issues and train route maps.

Cuomo To Add Winter Bus Transportation to Ski Areas

For the 2014-5 winter, the Governor plans to add direct bus service from NYC and Toronto to NYS ski mountains including Gore and Whiteface.

Read the news story here.

Ballston Spa Second Main Track Project to Reduce Delays

This project will add a second track to an area known to cause bad delays for freight trains and Amtrak's Adirondacker due to conflicts with operations at a major freight classification yard.

Read the project description on the NYS DOT site here.

NY-Montreal Amtrak study recommends incremental track improvements

High Speed Rail was investigated but value-for-money decisions pointed to moving customs operations to the rail stations, and incremental rail improvements.

Read the research report about this here.

For Amtrak Upgrades Albany to Montreal Line


Airports in and Near the Park Expand Flights to Major Cities


Busses and Other Shared Transportation Widely Used
